A view of clouds forming over Lake Ponchatrain during a storm. We were crossing the bridge between Slidel and New Orleans East.
First of all, a special note to Cathy and the team coming from PA -- yes, you most definitely can bless the children! The entire family was in church Sunday and came up for prayer after. Bless all of you for having such hearts of love and service to others!! We love you!!
Monty and I made it back this evening and just in time to see our newest team from California coming in from working. This is a men's group from church and they are all skilled in construction of all kinds. There are two of them who are carpet layers, a skill we hardly ever get so we are taking full advantage of them! They have been laying carpet and vinyl in the church offices. Both Pastor Teresa and Pastor Larry should be very surprised when they return tomorrow! I've been told I will be surprised when I see my office area also---somehow I think I'll probably be surprised AFTER I get it put back together!! :)
Some of the team is tearing the roofing off the new upcoming warehouse and I can't even describe what they looked like other than covered with tar! They also looked like they had the time of their lives up there! Men and destruction sort of go together.
Tomorow we will be welcoming a team from the state of Washington, again! This is a youth group and they have all sorts of things planned for the community so it should be a great week. Be sure and stay tuned.
Until tomorrow . . . Susan and Monty
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