Sunday, February 11, 2007

The beauty of God

There are some places where you can go and not only see the beauty of our Lord but also feel it. This is one of those places here in Mississippi. Few things are more beautiful and more colorful than a sunset on the ocean. Just in case you haven't realized it, if you click on these photos they will enlarge and you can see them so much better! The shadow of the man is Monty, with his fishing pole waiting for a fish. I think a fish could have come along and pulled the entire pole out into the ocean because he was so fixed on the sunset and how awesome it was!
I have an update that I nearly forgot to mention. Harry and Ilone were re-evaluated by their insurance company and it now looks like they will get a decent settlement. Their termite company also had to re-evaluate things when the live termites were found in the house and they had an annual contract saying there weren't any?! With both organizations "coming more to their senses" Harry and Ilone have made the decision to demolish their existing home and build a smaller one on the same site. We think this is the right decision considering just how much it would take to rebuild the existing one. The termites did horrible damage not only to the floors but to the floor joists, not to mention the bathroom walls which are "dust" due to the damage. They are so thankful to the team for helping them tear out the rest of the home and find all the damage. It was just what they needed to help them make this decision AND to give them hope! Thanks to everyone from Bedford, Indiana!!!!
Both Mike and Faye were in church this morning -- a wonderful site for all of us! Mike was using his cane and said he woke up determined to make it to church this morning. Pastor Rick had a special prayer for him and Mike realized just how many people have been praying and how many people love them! Their grandson, Jaquez, left with his own children's Bible which his "pawpaw" could read to him and show him the pictures in it.
Our newest Wisconsin team took a tour to New Orleans this afternoon. They were also nearly speechless at the sites! The main thing they ran in to was the traffic for Mardis Gras! It seems that everywhere they turned they got into it and couldn't escape it. But they were glad they made the trip and now have a much better understanding of the extent of what happened.
Tomorrow we will be heading back to Mike and Faye's house to finish the demolition. There are only the floor joists left to come out and then some major cleanup to get things in to the dumpster. We figure all of the Wisconsin teams would appreciate some time outside in temps that will be near 70 degrees! They ALL agreed with our thinking!
I mentioned our prayer request for our friend, Joe, and his mother. Last night was extremely rough for her, they had to re-intubate her due to a problem with the first time. They are also considering a pace maker to help regulate her heart beat as that seems to be the major problem at the moment. Please continue to pray for the both of them. This is such a difficult time and they will be so thankful for all of your prayers and thoughts.
Until tomorrow .... blessings to all of you. Susan and Monty

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