Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moving Forward

Yesterday and today have seemingly run together, without end! Amazing progress!

We had our weekly UMCOR meeting yesterday and from there headed to Lowes and to check on the teams still at Archie and Nina's, Art's, Hank and Cherie's and Mariano and Maria's. Yes, it's quite the job to keep up with all of them!

The women finished painting at Archie and Nina's and the team finished the flooring at Art's. Like I said -- just try and keep up with them!

The deck railing is complete at Mariano and Maria's and they surprised us all by planting some plants around the deck making it look like home and beautiful! The team is painting inside, finishing sheetrock, finishing plumbing -- you name it and they are doing a bit of it.

Hank and Cherie's trailer is now completely skirted and beautiful!

Today was up and out early. We have a team of Presbytarian's coming in Monday and the leader decided to fly in and see things for himself to better prepare the team. We knew the 2 homes they would be working in -- both new additions to our ever growing list. Ken was very pleased to be able to visit the homes and know what tasks will be ahead of them. Homeowners Hisdla and her family and Robert and his family are thrilled to know the end is now in sight! Be sure and stay tuned for more on both families next week.

As Ken left to check out their camp in Texas City we were off to check and see how the teams were. Today they were at Mariano's and only a couple at Hank and Cherie's. With rains and winds predicted for today and tomorrow some of the exterior work at Hank and Cherie's was put on hold. They are hanging doors at Mariano's, touching up painting, working with sheetrock in closets and preparing for Mariano to do the texture on the bedroom walls tonight so they can prime tomorrow. Monty and I brought in the ceramic tile for that bedroom and we will see how far they get over the next couple of days. The end is in sight and we all smiled at that thought after the team left and Monty and I were sitting with the entire family on their new deck!

Another trip to Lowes will bring 2 deliveries of a multitude of materials to both Robert's and Hisdla's on Saturday. We will use the team to help get things unloaded and taken inside the homes to be ready for Monday.

Tomorrow we will be welcoming another team for the week. They will be with us through Saturday. We hope the weather will straighten up as this team will be tackling quite a large gutting job in Hitchcock!

I want to send an extremely special thank you to a very special person -- Steve! He is a best friend to our Pastor Dave at home and has been keeping both Monty and I covered with prayer over the past couple of weeks. We want to say thank you for the prayers and for the covering! What you have done is life - saving and we are so very grateful!!! God bless you!

Also a thank you to my Mom who is planning her "One woman bake sale" at their church this coming Sunday to try and raise funding for the rebuilding of Steven and Martha's home! You GO MOM and thanks to Cindy and Amilea for pitching in and helping! Miles apart brought together by nothing but love!!!!

Until next time . . . be blessed to be a blessing! Susan and Monty

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