Sunday, January 17, 2010

It just became personal

We all sit and watch the horrific scenes on TV; a country in ruins, Haiti in unimaginable pain and loss!

Today it became personal!

Rev. Dr. Sam Dixon, head of the humanitarian relief agency of The United Methodist Church, died before he could be rescued from the rubble of a hotle destroyed by the earthquake.
He was the executive officer of UMCOR and was part of a group of mission and relief specialists trapped by the collapse of the hotel. Other persons in the group of five, including two more from the General board of Global Ministries, were rescued and were back in the US by yesterday morning. The group was pinned down for more than 55 hours.
Rev Dixon was reportedly alive in the hotel ruins on the morning of January 15.

The President of UMCOR said that Dixon "was an extremely gifted minister of the gospel. He lived his life following the commandments of Jesus to feed the hungry, care for the sick and love the least of these - all over the world. Jesus is holding him dear and we are in prayer for his family."

Rev Dixon had been here and toured the devastation in Galveston shortly after the storm and had continued to follow the efforts here.

It just became personal -- and it hurts!

Many have already asked us if we are going to Haiti. When we made this commitment we made it to the United States -- and yes -- it tugs on our hearts! We are not going -- BUT -- we will pray, and pray hard -- for everyone there and everyone here. We ALL can do something! This will take many, many years to rebuild, not just the buildings -- the lives!

Do SOMETHING!!!! Even if it's small --- DO SOMETHING!!!

PRAY -- and remember the second of two commandments Jesus said, "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Haiti may be a long way from us in mileage -- but -- they are our neighbor!!!

Personal hurts -- prayer helps!!!

Until next time . . . pray! Susan and Monty

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