Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quick Answer

THANK YOU!!! so much to all who have called, commented on this blog and emailed us with your response to the NBC Nightly News segment!

We are humbled by your love and want you to know that we might have been the ones "seen" but it's due to those "unseen" making it all possible!

We have had numerous questions about the same topic - our funding. Please go to the very top paragraph here on the blog (it's in navy blue) for the information you are seeking.

Once again -- THANK YOU so much! God is so awesome in His plan for our lives! We hope and pray the news segment brought a smile to your face and in doing so brings a song to His heart!

Be blessed. Susan and Monty


Anonymous said...

Monty and Susan I have known ya for years and love you to death! hope to see you at home soon Darrel

Anonymous said...

My wife and I liked your story. We have talked about helping people out. We would like more information as to were we could help. We have commitments till the end of Dec. of this year. ( Our grand daughter is staying with us and going to college.) She will be transferring in Dec. We would like to work down South some where. We do not like the cold weather. Hope to here from you. Ed & JoAnne