Sunday, May 23, 2010

Huntsville helps Joyce

It was the 4th Saturday of the month and just like clockwork - here came Huntsville.
We know their church van quite well and are always anxious to see who is returning, who is new and how many there are this time.
Many were returning, some were new and there were a total of 8. They knew ahead of time what they would be doing and where and were totally prepared with anything and everything they needed. They somehow make that church van also double as a tool trailer!
They were returning to Joyce's house with the goal of unloading the storage POD that has been holding her household things for the past months while we worked inside. They reached and surpassed that goal. Every piece of furniture is now inside and in its place but the boxes . . . well, Ms Joyce will be unloading them for quite some time. The women did help her get shelf paper inside of each cabinet and got a good start with the unloading. But Joyce wanted to be the one to organize her kitchen and each of us women completely understand that. She wants to know where everything is and knows she will enjoy rediscovering each item in the boxes.
The men took a turn and concentrated on getting the sheetrock back on the ceiling of her garage and got almost all of it done. The heat was tough as there was no air in the garage and trying to work with the door closed was just impossible so that task will be left for the next team.
When this team originally scheduled themselves they chose the 4th Saturday of March, April and May and yesterday they said they want to continue with that scheduling! Awesome! They learned what a joy it is to return to a house the following month and see the progress and know they played a part in returning a homeowner to "home." Good job team! Thanks for giving one of your weekend days to be such a great blessing!!!!!!!!!!!
This morning Monty and I are headed to Pastor Bob's church. He asked us to come and share testimony and Monty is "on" for today! His testimony is more than powerful and although I know he will do fine -- he is doing a bit of pacing in preparation! :)
Until next time . . . we hope all of you are headed to church to praise God for all the blessings in your own lives. Susan and Monty

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