Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ezra heads home

There he is, at the very beginning of adding the porch onto the back of the church where we all live. Ezra is on his way home today, all the way back to Minnesota so please keep him in your prayers for safe travel and a blessed mission trip in the Dominican Republic. We all will miss him so very much!

The local team headed into St. Bernards Parish again today to continue work on the church. The sheetrock and finishing is going well and today they hoped to tackle the layout of the new suspended ceiling. They were loaded with all the tools and off they went. From the reports I have heard all is going well. As I said yesterday, they are desperately trying to get things ready for a wedding to be held at the end of the month. Pray for them.

Technology is a wonderful thing - - and something pretty difficult to come by in some areas here. We have not had internet capacity in the location where we live. Telephone lines weren't even available until a short time ago! Today we tackled the problem and with a router and modem we should be able to connect to the world before the night is over! It took alot more work on the part of the telecommunications company than what they had planned but they got it done! We just might move into the current century! It's amazing the things we take for granted and don't appreciate until we don't have them!

I spoke with both our CA and MO teams who were here last week. Both were telling me how much this trip meant to them and how they are all wishing they were still here. Even the teen age boys! That is always one of the highest compliments we can receive. We pray they will each create another team and come back and work with us again. Goodness knows there will be more than enough work waiting for them!

Monty and I had a treat last night. As I have said before, within the next 2 weeks we will receive our ordainment into the ministry and our licenses as missionaries. This means Monty needed a suit! Shopping? Not on the top of either of our lists but we did get it done. The lady who was SO helpful was asking about what we are doing and as always, she had the same shocked look as she spoke about all those who have come to help here! She speaks in amazement at how people come, take time from their lives, no agenda, just here to help! The owner of the store and the clerk are both Christian and they are still amazed. By the end of our time there she was asking if she could come and work with us sometime! Now there's God in action in someones heart!

I would ask for continued prayer for my family and their farm. I have not heard so I go under the belief that it has not rained yet!

Thank you and God bless.

Until tomorrow . . . Susan and Monty

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