Sunday, April 15, 2007

A "new season"

Just as nature has its seasons, so does life. This was the topic for the sermon this morning and I am certain Pastor Rick had no idea that his sermon was two-fold, for the church congregation itself AND directly for Monty, Diane and myself! God knew!

The three of us are getting ready to start a new season in this disaster relief ministry. A teacher said that "God tells us to go but He doesn't tell us to stay". This is something missionaries have to keep in mind. This is something the three of us have to keep in mind! God told all of us to "come" to Mississippi but now He is telling us to "go" to New Orleans.

When God directs us into something we must keep in mind that He has already walked there. We don't go it alone, we aren't just "out there" mindlessly wandering with no direction. The direction is there, we just have to be obedient to listen and follow.

Pastor told us that when God speaks to us we are to ACT NOW!! Delayed obedience is really disobedience. We aren't here to second guess God!

He also reminded us that we are to give thought to what God has called us to do, to stay under control. Most likely we will be facing some of the same "opponents" that we have faced already, just remember that we defeated them the last time and can do so again, with the help of God.

Another reminder is that we aren't to be afraid to leave what is comfortable for what is best! Think about that one. Even though Monty and I live in a camper that is only 144 square feet, it has become home and we have adapted and it has made us comfortable. We may have to shower inside the church and sleep in separate beds but it's still home. When we get into New Orleans we will be leaving that camper and moving into another trailer which was donated by Samaritan's Purse. It will be a blessing, but it will require us to change what we are used to and readjust. We have also become comfortable with church here. We know the people and they know us, they are our friends. Leaving them will be most difficult. Working in the public as we do has allowed us to get to know more people than we do in our hometown. Leaving them will also be difficult. But God has called us to leave and we will follow His calling upon our lives! Easy??? not in some ways. A blessing??? in every way!!

Pastor challenged us to "not wait until the calling makes sense." If Monty and I, and Diane, had waited until this calling made sense in our lives we would still be at home. Quitting secure jobs, leaving families, leaving our home . . . none of that made sense to the world. But it made perfect sense to us. God had it all planned out, and will continue to do so!

I share these things with you for a reason. God places a calling on each and every one of our lives. Neither Monty, myself or Diane are any different than any of you! The only thing that we did was listen to His calling and GO!!! YOU can do the same! Really listen to what God is calling you into. Don't hesitate because it might require you to leave where you are, or because it makes no sense to you at the time. Just listen, be obedient and follow. I PROMISE you that you WILL be blessed far above anything you could EVER imagine!

Our thanks to Pastor Rick for his message this morning. He was preaching to the congregation because they themselves are about to make a huge change! They are going to be relocating and relocating to where is a mystery right now. But God has a plan for all of them and they are dedicated to listening and following. And so are Monty, myself and Diane. How about you??

Until tomorrow ... thank God for walking before us and making a path for us. Susan and Monty

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