First note to Jack of NJ team coming = bring any and all hand tools you can fit into your trip space. If you can bring power tools, pack them. Most likely you will be hanging sheetrock someplace. You can never bring enough tools so use your judgement based on the space you have. We look forward to having you here.
What a day this was! Our hometown Indiana team awoke raring to go. We took time to evaluate all of the 4 jobs they would be involved in and allow them to take some time to divide themselves into groups, according to talents. It didn't take long and they were all ready!
One group returned to Delores's house and we were amazed to see all of the work she and her family had been doing while we were away! She welcomed them with open arms and the tears started when she heard one of them was the electrician she so desperately needed. By the end of the day she had been out and bought a brand new air mattress for the gentleman and his son who are helping her, she heard they were sleeping on the carpeting and thought they needed more! Another of those blessings being returned to the volunteers.
Another group returned to Barbara's house. They continue with the laying of the tile flooring and final wall work in the closets. Barbara will be coming to town tomorrow just to meet this team and tell them just how much she appreciates them. Sounds like another blessing to me!
A third team went back to Stephens's house where they got busy hanging doors and sanding walls. It seems they all really hit it off and felt like family in the first day on the job, coincidence? not on your life!
The fourth group went to Pastor Watson's mother's house. She lived about 2 blocks from the water and lost the entire house. This group was also busy hanging sheetrock and seemed to have a blast, working in the heat with no air condition even!!!! Isn't it awesome how God supplies the energy to do His work!
Earlier this evening we welcomed the Alabama team. They are 7 women and 3 men! Go girls! I always love to see women coming to help! I always tell them there isn't anything a man can do that a woman can't also do! It might take us 2 hands instead of one or a bit longer but we can accomplish anything we set our minds to! They are anxious to get started tomorrow. Part of them will be returning to Julia's house to tear out her laundry room and hang new sheetrock. They will also be replacing the damaged area in her upstairs bedroom. The rest of them will be starting a new house, the home of Icy and Jerri. They will also be hanging sheetrock.
Monty and I feel so blessed to have both of these teams here. Coming to southern Mississippi in mid July isn't my idea of a vacation but these people have taken time from their lives and their families to come here and do whatever it is that they need to do to help these residents rebuild their homes and their lives! You don't get much more of a God thing than that!
We were also blessed to have past volunteers, Don, Maryanne and daughter Kaity stop in and visit with us this afternoon. What a joy it is so have them return, and to talk about organizing more teams to come back and do more work! This family was such a blessing to both of us and every life they touched while they were here. Thank you guys and we will be keeping you in our prayers as you prepare for the new adventure God is planning for your lives!
By tomorrow I hope to have photos of all the things going on. We have 6 different projects going on at the same time and balancing all of them successfully can get tricky but we know God is in control and He will bless each and every family represented, both those needing the help and those receiving. Please keep all of them in your prayers.
Until tomorrow....count your blessings....and hug your family....Susan and Monty
"We are doers of the Word of God and are blessed in our deeds. We are happy in those things which we do because we are doers of the Word of God." James 1:22
About Me

- Susan and Monty Scales
- We've spent years helping families rebuild their lives and homes after natural disasters. Those adventures have taken us to Mississippi, Louisiana, Indiana and Texas. God is now teaching me there are numerous definitions of "disaster." This new adventure of driving a school bus is taking me into a whole new world of "rebuilding." Stay tuned and see the hand of God in action! Jesus really does "love the little children; red, yellow, black and white . . ."
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