It has poured rain all day, the first all day rain since we have been here. They talked about the monsoons and now I believe them. We are nearly 18 inches below the average rainfall so this is welcomed by all. It made for an excellent day to work inside.
And work inside is just what we did all day. We all dove into the back warehouse space we have here in the church and went through boxes and boxes and then more boxes of things that just needed organized. Monty and I made a trip to Lowes and picked up some shelving which really helped us get things out and where they need to be. We are still handing out food to those who come in and request it along with numerous health and beauty supplies.
We are starting to get things ready for the big outreach Saturday coming up here outside the church. There will be games and all sorts of things going on all day. It will be so much fun and all of the things in the back room needed to be gotten ready. We are not done and will continue working tomorrow but managed to make a huge dent in things today.
I have a special notice for Elmer --- we found your bag of money and will be sending it to you soon! :)
We were so thrilled to have Anita and her family from the Spanish Village come for a visit this afternoon. She has family visiting and she wanted them to come here, see the church where they have been coming and meet Diane who has spent so much time over there helping them get rebuilt. Pastor Rick made sure all of the children left with a stuffed animal to take home with them!
Today was one of those days that we have so desperately needed, one that we don't get very often. We need time to get and keep things organized as they can get out of hand so easily. We are so thankful for today and for the rain that kept us inside. As usual, God and His perfect timing!
Thank you again for all of your prayers. We also want to thank those of you who have been praying for Monty's step father, Tony. We spoke with his mother today and the doctors discovered Tony has blood pressure and sugar problems and he has a hernia. All of which are very treatable and we are so thankful it wasn't anything worse.
Please continue to pray for us and for all of the relief efforts that are going on all along the coast. Pray for a hedge of protection around everyone and for strength and peace for those families who are trying to rebuild their lives.
Until tomorrow....we love you....Susan and Monty
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