Sunday, July 23, 2006

Please, please pray!!!!

We have urgent prayer requests. Both of the men you see in this photo are now hospitalized here in town with dehydration and a virus. The past 24 hours have been busy!!

Last evening the younger one, Caylan, began feeling sick to his stomach. Once he started vomiting it was over and he was rushed to the local hospital around 11pm. Due to his fluctuating blood pressure they admitted him and even today are still trying to get things stabilized.

Rick, the other gentleman was the one who drove to the hospital and didn't get back here to the church until 4:30 am this morning. Caylon's mother and a friend, Bethany, stayed at the hospital and are still there tonight. Rick came back to get the rest of his team on the road home.
The team took their van and are hopefully home safe and sound, and healthy, by now. Rick decided to try and get some much needed sleep.

Immediately after lunch Rick was headed back to the hospital, courtesy of our van, and was planning on picking up the women, getting them all some lunch and possibly a shower and then returning them to the hospital. Plans changed.....drastically!

They did get the lunch and when immediately Rick began feeling sick to his stomach. They decided to return to the hospital and by the time they got there he himself went to the ER and
just got back here. They pumped him full of fluids and anti-nausea meds and he is sleeping as we speak and should sleep through the night.

Caylan is showing some improvement but still running a fever and they are trying to lower his blood pressure. He has not been out of bed yet and is still on liquids.

All of these people involved NEED your prayers! This virus is a tough one, one I myself know quite well. Their departure date is very up in the air and it's even tougher being sick so far from home. We just want to make sure they are all healthy and rested before they start the 14 hour trip home.

Please keep everyone in your prayers and we will keep you posted tomorrow as the the status of them both.

God bless all of you....and keep you healthy.....Susan and Monty

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