Friday, August 15, 2008

Locks of Love

Today was the day I had thought about nearly 3 years ago.

When we left home to begin this disaster ministry I vowed to let my hair grow for a year and then donate it to Locks of Love. Now, nearly 3 years later I got it done.

I actually lay awake last night thinking about it -- hadn't thought about it in nearly 2 years. I awoke knowing today was the day it just had to be done. And I knew who the one was who had to do it -- Eddie! I met Eddie 20 years ago when I first came to Bloomington. Off and on over those years he cut my hair. He knows the wave, the thickness and how it grows. He had to be the one.

Early this morning I headed out to find him and when I did he didn't even recognize me!

We set the appointment for late in the day and I knew I would be going early to look through books to get any idea as to what to do with "the leftovers."

Eddie didn't let me down. After it was all cut off and measured it ended up being 17" of hair that will be used to make real hair wigs for children suffering from cancer and the side effects of hair loss due to chemotherapy! I am thrilled and so blessed to be able to help in such a small way! I know my hair will go to the child God directs it to! Thanks to all who make programs like this possible! Amazing blessings!

Thank you Eddie and thank you Locks of Love!

Until next time . . . Susan and Monty


Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

Awesome Susan!!!! I am so excited - wasn't it amazing!! I've done it twice (recently last Feb) and am trying to regrow to do it again, but still have some hair left.

You did a very unselfish thing and may you be blessed along with a child in need of a real hair wig that cannot afford it. Awesome awesome sister!!!!!! WOO WOO!!!


Anonymous said...

YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!!!! I had'nt had a chance to get to the BLOG all week so when I saw you this morning, it was so incredible. What must your brush be thinking? Honestly Susan, you look beautiful. I miss you!
Love you!