Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day 2 rockin' and rollin'

The day was in full speed ahead mode all day! The team was divided in two groups today. We did not work in Julia's house as she was gone for the day and some decisions will need to be made by she and Oscar before we continue much further.

One part of the group continued at Delores's house. They got the air conditioning hooked up in what used to be her garage and is now a work/family room area. They also managed to get the sheetrock up and get the final finishing on the kitchen area walls. This evening they were treated to a special treat, they were invited to go with Delores to a family birthday party and they were very excited. She took them to the showers and they told us they would see us in the morning! Like I have said repeatedly, relationships is what it's all about! Her husband is still dealing with the details of his auto accident and not home yet. Please keep them in your prayers. Both Delores and her daughter spent the day right in there with the volunteers sanding away! And they were still smiling this evening! :)

The other part of the group worked at Barbara's. Just as I thought, Barbara didn't stay home long. She called late last night and said she would be here today to meet the team. She just can't stay away as she doesn't want to miss any of the excitement! The team was thrilled to meet her and I would be willing to bet she will be back before the end of the week? They really made progress today. Kim and Rose joined in and painted doors and trim all day. The team was finishing sheetrock and getting the last few places hung. Monty and Elmer ran errands picking up supplies all day and they now have the tile that will go behind her tub and Monty plans a special surprise for that area. All of the baseboard trim is now on site and the team is busy getting it all painted and ready to go.

It's been another amazing day! Each team brings their own personalities and own goals once they get into the homes they "adopt" for the time they are here. It is so awesome to see them working together, getting stumped by things that come up and then working through and getting it all put together. Each team is "warned" that they will be working in conditions like they have never worked in before and it takes a couple of days being here for them to realize it is the truth! Thus the reason we pray for God's guidance and wisdom each morning in devotion.

Monty and Elmer spent the entire day together and Elmer had his first fried oyster PoBoy! He is from Kentucky but that just isn't far enough south to have experienced some things! He did enjoy all of the southern cooking this evening at the restaurant! He also learned that working here is like nowhere else!

I would like to send a very special thank you to Elmer and Kim's daugher in law, Monica. Your generosity in the form of the Lowes card is such a blessing! We thank you so much and pray God will return blessings to you a hundred fold!

And to Andrea C. from NC, you can call me anytime about the donation. If you don't have my number I know Gwen does. She should also have our email address. Thank you so very much!

To all of the NC team that has commented so wonderfully, we miss you all and are so glad you were so blessed in return. It is our hope and prayer that you will be coming back soon! You know where we live and know our door is always open to you!

It is just such a blessing to see how each team bonds with their homeowner and immediately become part of each other's families. God is an amazing God and we thank Him for all He is doing down here. We feel that something BIG is about to happen and feel so blessed to be a part of everything that is happening. We want all of you to be a part of it also, don't miss out!

We are fast approaching the 10 month anniversary of the hurricane and believe me, no one thought they would still be living in their FEMA trailers and still be trying to rebuild their homes and their lives! I received a call today from a woman asking me if we could "raise" her home. She is like Dane and must raise her home from its existing foundation before she can even think about rebuilding. It's tough to tell them that we are unable to do anything until it is raised.
Another phone call came in from an elderly woman who is caring for her blind husband and also needed help we could not supply. The calls come in all day long every day. Some we can help and add their names and situations to our "list". Still others need help we cannot supply. We would ask that you keep all of them in your prayers.

If you would like to help keep us here, working this relief effort, you can send your donations to us through our home church, Vineyard Community Church at PO Box 3277 in Bloomington, Indiana 47402. Please mark "Katrina" on your donation as you will receive a tax statement. Every $$ comes to us, the church keeps nothing for themselves. We are supported 100% by your heartfelt donations. Without them we would not be able to continue the calling God has placed on our lives. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Until tomorrow....we love and miss you all...Susan and Monty

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