Monday, March 20, 2006

700 more sheets!!!!!

Here you see what was someone's home and is now waiting to be demolished!

This is common place and thus the reason for people feeling depressed and discouraged. This home is obviously awaiting an insurance settlement, if they had the proper insurance!

This morning Monty and I had the pleasure of visiting the home of one of the ministers of the congregation here, Miss Carol. She had over 4 feet of water inside her home. She got right on the removing of carpeting, flooring and drywall and thus the black mold did not have the moisture it needed to grow. She has all of her drywall up and although it still needs a bit of sanding, she is nearly ready for painting. Monty will be doing some "hand on" work, installing her doors complete with trim and the base molding. She lives alone and can use all the help she can get. Monty is looking forward to the opportunity to get in there and bring it to completion! She has been such a blessing to us with her words and prayers! We got all of measuring done for her so she can purchase what she needs. It's nice to go into a home where things have been moving along, even though after over 7 months you would think she and others would already be in their homes!

This afternoon we received another semi load of drywall. This one also had 700 sheets on it and 100 bags of insulation. We were able to supply 3 of the school teachers with what they need, thus leaving them with smiles on their faces! We are so thankful that the Assemblies around the nation are providing the funding to Convoy of Hope to purchase these materials! All churches should unite in such efforts! I only wish everyone in those churches could see the results of their giving hearts! It would be life changing for them and I am convinced we would never lack for materials of any kind again!

Tim is getting the final few feet of fence back up for the school children! These kids have not been able to go outside and get rid of their energy since school started this year! Imagine having children cooped up inside a FEMA trailer all evening and night, then sending them off for a long day of school where the only place they can play is inside the gym, then having them come back home with all that energy stockpiled and only that trailer to live in! Every parents' nightmare! You can see the kids peaking out the gym doors and classroom windows checking out the progress of the fence! Tim had a rough day today as those last post holes are in the midst of some mighty tough tree roots! Digging them by hand proved to be quite a task! But they are in and now the fence itself will go on!

When we went over to Dauphin Island on Saturday Monty and Scott bought some fresh shrimp at a local fish store. This evening we took the oportunity to cook them for appetizers! Now let me tell you that the shrimp you get down here are nothing like I have seen up north! These things are about 4" long here, and these aren't the big ones?!! I wrapped bacon around some of them and put blackening seasoning on the rest! They didn't last long! They told us to wait another couple of weeks for the big ones!!!! The guys will be waiting!! :)

Tomorrow we are heading back to the home of the 93 year old woman to put together a game plan. "Extreme Makeover" here we come! I have always watched that show in facination and thought they have the best job in the world-----and now we are here! We are scheduled to meet with 2 of her daughters and a son to go over everything that needs done. I would like to ask for prayers for us to be able to do the work needed and to have the materials needed also. Gladys is 93 and we want to put her back into her home as quickly as possible. Her late husband built this home and she deserves to be in it. It will take time, volunteers and materials mixed with alot of prayers!

If you would like to have an active part in our ministry mission you can send your tax deductible gifts to us through: Vineyard Community Church PO Box 3277 Bloomington,IN 47402. Be sure to note "Katrina fund" on the check as 100% of your gift will be sent to us to fulfill the calling God has sent us here to do! We thank you for joining with us in this adventure!

"With God nothing is impossible."

Until tomorrow....God be with you all! We miss you and love you! Susan and Monty

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