Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm not ready for this . . .

Yesterday we were back to Tuesday morning Bible study.  I really missed it since I had to leave to meet Monroe the last time we met and last week we didn't meet due to the holiday.  Each week I come away feeling refilled and refueled and I really needed it yesterday.

But of course, just let satan get wind of that refilling and he isn't happy and tries to hit me doublely hard!  I felt as though I were in a battle all day long.

When I left Bible study it was raining and within minutes it changed over to snow -- a heavy snow -- one that made that 40 minute trip quite trecherous!  The closer I got to home the harder it snowed and thankfully it didn't last all day.  The tree in the picture below is in my front yard and no --- I am not ready for this kind of weather!!!!

Monty was also less than thrilled with this surprise weather.  He had been working outside all day, sewer and water lines, and was soaked when he got home.  Trying to keep his stitched finger dry was an impossibility and even though he had coveralls on -- the zippers are broken and he was still cold and wet!  Thanks to our neighbor Shelley's more than generous heart I was able to go to Walmart today and get him a new pair with the label that says "water proof."  He'll be the one to put that to the test!  Bless you, Shelley, for seeing a need and blessing him!  You're the best!

Today the sun is shining and that snow is trying to melt.  Tonight Monty will get the stitches removed and we are still praying that the rebuilding of that finger will hold.  It's turned all sorts of colors and I'm just not sure yet and anxious to hear what the doctors think.

I got a great surprise email too!  Seems Jack, from New Jersey, who brought Louis and spent a week rebuilding the subfloors on Michael's trailer -- has been keeping up with the blog and has a skilled friend who wants to come and install the kitchen cabinets for us when we are ready!!!!  This is such an amazing blessing because this entire kitchen is custom designed for Michael and his wheel chair.  We know God always brings just who we need right when we need them and knowing this ahead of time allows us to breathe a sigh of thanksgiving and praise!  Not to mention how awesome it will be to see Jack again!

I am still waiting to hear from Monroe (with the Amish) about their upcoming trip here to rebuild Don's home.  I talked with him Monday morning and he was headed to Joplin, MO to see how his crew is doing in the rebuilding of a tornado damaged home there.  He will let me know as soon as he knows.

Also -- I got word today that we will have the ability (financially) to either put Don up in a hotel room or possible bring in a camper trailer and place it in his yard while the rebuilding is taking place!  The local county treasurer will make certain he has one or the other so a great big thanks to them for stepping an and helping out by going above and beyond!

Things are all moving forward and I'm doing my best to keep up.  I thank all of you for your prayers.  Times have been rather difficult for us lately -- financially -- and it looks like it's going to be necessary for me to find a job after the first of the year!  "Ends" just aren't meeting even with Monty working almost 6 days a week!  Please hold me up in special prayer about this decision.  It's not an easy one and with jobs as scarce as they are . . .  I need your prayers!  In many ways!!!!

Until next time . . . blessings and love to all.                                Susan and Monty

1 comment:

Treasures from a shoebox said...

Praying for you, Susan, and for Monty's finger. P.S. I'm not mentally prepared for winter either!