Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to All

Yep -- that's the view from our front door -- very wet!!

In this area of Indiana we have spent the entire summer and most of the fall in a severe drought -- so much so that we had a burn ban the entire time!

And now -- today -- the skies opened as the temperatures fell and we have so much water we actually have puddles! The old saying about "when it rains it pours" is quite appropriate today and supposed to be through tomorrow also!

It is our hope and prayer that each and every one of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. For some the holidays are dreaded. For others, they live for them. Either way we need to remind ourselves of all the blessings we DO have. It doesn't take much to see someone else less fortunate than ourselves, no matter what our situations.

So let's all take tomorrow, whether we are spending it with family or by ourselves, whether we are eating a feast or a sandwich, and really THINK about our blessings! Let's thank God for all He has given us, for all He hasn't given us that we truly deserve and for Him saving a place in heaven for us!

Until next time . . . I am reminded of the old hymn we used to sing, "Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices . . ." Susan and Monty

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