Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Miles behind us and miles to go

Yep -- we are officially out of the great state of Texas!

We were up at 4am this morning and were on the road by 5:30 -- we knew we had to get through that Houston traffic very early!

The roads were great, a couple of missed exits and some recalculating but we did very well. The camper trailer is pulling great, especially since Monty and Timothy were able to lighten the weight by putting tools in the trucks and not the camper.

Thank goodness Timothy is with us! Not only is he making the trip easier -- the laughter is awesome and priceless! He has taken the lead with his all powerful GPS and I am bringing up the rear keeping watch over the back of the trailer as Monty pulls it down the roads.

We made it across the Texas border into Arkansas and that was it for today. The guys were exhausted and are both asleep as I write this -- fully clothed and most likely won't wake up until the morning!

We still have many, many miles to go and most likely won't get home tomorrow either. The weather has storms predicted so we'll see how it goes . . . but each mile north is a mile closer!

Please help keep us covered in prayer as this is the most important thing we need.

Thank you and bless you for everything you do to keep us following God's calling on our lives!

Until next time . . . blessings and love to all! Susan and Monty

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