Sunday, June 15, 2008

What if . . .

What if the entrance to your church looked like this when you walked in this morning?
What if those expensive puppets laying on the parking lot, covered in mud where what you planned on using in your childrens ministry this morning?
What if that was the platform your Pastor was to preach from in your church this morning?
What if you drove into the parking lot, read the note on the church door and found out church was being held someplace else and at a different time?
What if you went to the new "borrowed" church location and couldn't sit in your normal seat in your normal church pew?
What if all you had to wear this morning were the clothes you had on your back when you left your home last week during the flood?
What if you couldn't get to church because your car had gone underwater and was ruined?
What if you had nothing to eat before going to church this morning because you had no power in your damaged home?
What if you couldn't take a shower before going to church this morning because you had no water?
And what if all of this was going on and it was supposed to be the day you and your family celebrated Father's Day?
THIS is the reality so many faced in Columbus, Indiana today.
THIS is the reality so many will continue to face in Columbus, Indiana --- until we all step up and step out in faith and show God's love in a really practical way by rolling up our sleeves and putting on our boots and gloves and going and helping!!!!!
Think about these things and then thank God for the blessings you had today and with God's grace will have tomorrow!
We will be returning tomorrow to meet with Pastor A and see what else we can do to help!
Until next time . . . please continue your prayers. Susan and Monty
PS. To the church at Lakeview in Indianapolis and Pastor Steve's church in Seymour ---- get ready to return!! We'll be in touch!!!

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