Friday, October 05, 2007


Scenery and smiles from Wisconsin!

Today Monty and I had the pleasure of restocking our food pantry at our home church. It felt good to be helping again. It brought some realization to me. I realize that I get alot of my value from things that I DO and I will be struggling with adjusting to not "doing" for awhile now.

I would like to give you the definition of "sabbatical" as this is what Monty and I are in right now and for the next couple of months. "A period of atleast 3 months intentionally set aside by ministry personnel in pastoral relationships as an occasion for reflection, recreation and revitalization unencumbered by their usual and customary responsibilities. It finds expression in study, rest, spiritual retreat and prayer."

Now there might be someone who feels this definition should only be used by those who pastor churches and their congregations. That brings up a conversation Monty and I had with one particular Pastor in the south. We were having dinner one evening, discussing all that God was doing along the coast. This Pastor had tears in his eyes as he told us that there are Pastors all over the nation who will never in their lives reach as many people and touch as many lives as we were reaching and touching in the disaster ministry. It really made me stop and think then and it still does.

I couldn't number the people we met, the homes we entered, the stories we heard, the prayers we prayed, the tears we cried, the hope we brought. All in the name of God who knows that nothing is impossible for Him. It was such an amazing walk.

And now that walk goes into a sabbatical. Shifting my gears into that isn't the easiest thing for me to do. I read a quote today that really expressed a portion of what I am feeling; "I am going into the locker room to evaluate the first half and getting ready for the second half."

Although this segment of disaster relief ministry has ended we are building for the next segment. BUT . . . we must get some rest! We must rest in the Word, in study, in prayer and yes -- in recreation. Resting in the Word, study and prayer are welcome and understandable. The resting in recreation is a bit foreign and might take some getting used to. For now, I choose the Word, study and prayer. I find myself not wanting to be around alot of people, wanting instead to sort of hibernate, reflect, remember and thank God for the amazing walk He has taken us on and praying for the upcoming walks He will continue to take us on.

This is the part that I have trouble with but I know that just getting alone with the Lord, resting in Him, seeking Him and allowing myself to be led by Him is exactly what I need. God is such an amazing God and His callings on our lives are miraculous! I thank Him for this calling on ours!

Until tomorrow. . . rest in Him with me. Susan and Monty

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