Thursday, April 21, 2011

Working and waiting

Well, we almost worked from sun up to sun down!

Monty is working on another mobile home. He's skirting and sealing the roof. Today I got to go along and learn how to remove old skirting -- I have a whole new appreciation of it, that's for sure! He also got the sealer on the roof -- an amazing feat to accomplish in one day. He said the sealer is like mixing glue and takes stirring for almost forever to get it to the right consistancy.

I had to leave him by early afternoon to come back to our subdivision and mow lawns. The gentleman who has been mowing for residents the past few years has a full time job now so I decided to try and earn some income by posting flyers on everyone's door offering my mowing services. In 2 days I had 4 lawns lined up for the summer! And with the rain we''ve had and more on the way everyone wanted theirs done today! I managed to get 3 of them done (one wants to wait till next week) and then our own.

By the time Monty and I both stopped the sun was going down -- and we were starving and filthy!

Now we are full and clean and exhausted!

But it was a good day, the sun was shining and it was such a blessing to be outside enjoying it all day long!

And now we wait for the storms forecast for tonight and possibly severe ones tomorrow!

Until next time . . . let's all take some time tomorrow -- Good Friday -- and remember what our Lord Jesus went through -- all for us! We will never be able to thank Him enough!

Susan and Monty

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