Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another week forward . . .

Once again I find myself wondering where this past week went! And I refuse to believe it has anything to do with age!!!!! :) Thinking backwards . . . this morning's church service was awesome. Pastor Dave has been focusing on the last 7 words Jesus spoke while on the cross and each week I have had a new revelation on those words. Today's were "it is finished" and once again I came out with a new perspective and a renewed sense of thanks for all God has done for me! Last night we were blessed to be guests at the banquet honoring the homeless here locally. The Genesis Shelter opens tonight and the banquet was a fund raiser with a guest speaker that had some excellent points on poverty and homelessness and how we should all not only be aware but be involved. One statement he made has really stuck with me -- "what if every homeless person, every struggling mother, every addicted father, every person going through a tough time had a personal, one on one, mentor?" Think about that for a minute . . . it's life and world changing -- or could be! We have turned in our volunteer forms and are awaiting a schedule to see when and how often we will be volunteering. Yesterday was also our church work day -- mixed in with some pretty hefty thunderstorms! It was time to pull weeds, clean out leaves, trim shrubs and spread new mulch. Through perseverance through winds, rain, storms and then sunshine it got done. I left late afternoon to get cleaned up for the banquet but Rob obviously stayed until the job was done because this morning it was beautiful! Friday was the Hannahthon where everyone chipped in to raise funds for our Crisis Pregnancy Center and maternity home. I answered incoming calls for a couple of hours and then moved to the prayer room where we had prayer requests that were continually covered with prayer. The announcement was made today that the goal was reached, just barely, but my oh my the blessings that will come from every dollar pledged and given! Friday was also the day I got word back from my bloodwork and some re-adjusting was done with my thyroid medication -- and I am not liking the results so will be making a phone call tomorrow! Thursday Monty and I went to check on a request for mobile home repair work. We met a wonderful man and his wife who need some new skirting and roof work done. It was great to visit with them and Monty will be getting back with them tomorrow to see if we can get things worked out. Wednesday was my day with grandchildren and while Liv was napping I took the opportunity to go outside and do some yard work and clean up some flower beds for my daughter and son in law. I love working outside so this was an added joy for me. Tuesday was morning Bible study -- always uplifting and amazing -- and I came to the realization that God's "word" for me here recently has been "mountain." Whether in song or scripture that word is there -- I love how God speaks to us! Tuesday evening was our missions training class and the video for this week was an eye opener. It was the story of missionaries who went into Indonesia and by the end everyone in the class was thankful they had committed themselves to learning more about missions! They are all working on their research papers and must be doing well as no one had questions -- at this time anyway. They have until June 7th to get it completed! Pray for them. :) And now we look to this week. Severe thunderstorms with high winds forecast for tonight and into tomorrow -- always fun! Tomorrow Monty will be working on more mobile homes and I will hopefully get class homework graded after taking my grandson to preschool. Tuesday is back to Bible study with a meeting about the Ecuador trip following. And that brings me to the newest announcement about that --- we will START BUILDING ON MONDAY, JULY 11th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So either wipe the dust off your passport or go and get one if you don't have one, find a tent and sleeping bag, check airlines flying into the capital of Quito and let me know you are interested in joining us and not only changing the lives of thousands of Ecuadorians -- but also yours!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are only booking volunteers for 2 weeks ---the weeks of July 11th and 18th so don't let time get away from you! I have all the info you will need so just leave a comment here or email me if you have our email or call me if you have my cell phone! I did talk with Joe (Ms Faye's speed build - March 2007) and he is definitely interested in going along with some of his guys from the WV team, the NC team and the FL team! We are so excited and so anxious to see what God has in store! God gave us the "mandate" to "go to the nations" and this is exactly what we are planning! We would love to have you join us in building this church on the mountain (Guangaje) for Pastor Francisco so all those who currently walk for hours to come to a broken down "building" for church can come to a real church to praise and worship and thank our Lord! Same Lord - different culture = life giving and life changing! So our new week has already begun -- and I know it will be one filled with blessings from God! I plan on listening for what He has for me and then being ready to say "send me, send me" knowing He will do exactly that! "Today I choose life by choosing Your way!" Service = active helpfulness; simple assistance in trifling, external matters Take the step of faith into servanthood today! You'll be glad you did -- God promises you will! Until next time . . . be a blessing to someone every day! Susan and Monty

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