Thursday, May 18, 2006

There goes the sheetrock

Bethel working away, again!

The first photo is them painting in the baptismal area, getting ready to rehang the cross on that back beam. You can tell by the photo that they are having a blast and enjoying everything they are doing.

The next one is another group priming and painting the material that will be used to frame out the opening to the baptismal area.

We then have the continuation of the mural in the nursery, complete with the designers! This Noah's ark theme gets more awesome each day! Their detail is incredible and will be such a blessing to not only the children but also the teachers. No more staring at the same four blank walls again!

At last we have sheetrock going out all over the place today. The first photo is Ms Barbara's house with a group of Bethel College kids helping with the unloading. It took two trips with the bed of Monty's truck loaded down. It is all placed in the house and will be ready for the next crew coming in to get started. We are still waiting on the electrical inspection and they are supposed to meet with Monty tomorrow and hopefully give us the approval to go ahead! If so, hold on Barbara, here we come!

The next two photos are the loading of sheetrock for the church that meets in the tent. They expect the arrival of their temporary building next week and this sheetrock will be enough to get the thing done! We are so thankful that the Lord put this pastor and his church in our lives! They have been such a blessing to us, always encouraging us, always seeing the big picture of what our mission is, and always welcoming us with open arms. We plan to help them as much as possible and get them out of their tent and into a real building so they can worship without bug spray!

We also sent a houseful of sheetrock to Ms Linda, a teacher at the school. They are still in the process of tearing out and doing some major remodeling. Likewise, this will be enough for their whole house and get them started in the direction of being able to get back into their home where she can continue her catering jobs along with teaching!

Along with all the sheetrock Monty once again was on the electrical work this afternoon. And once again he has injured that same finger --- I think the can lights have something against that hand! And doing electrical with gloves on is nearly an impossibility! Thank goodness for bandaids!

I finally got most of our things transferred into our trailer in preparation for the relocation. We will be taking most of the weekend to get it all done but it should go smoothly now that most everything is rounded up and loaded. These trailers were made for camping for a week or two, not for living in constantly! It can really challenge ones ability to organize according to the space allowed! So far, so good!

We enjoyed spending our evening with Tim and Sheri. They have become such good friends and even though we will only be about 15 minutes away it seems far for all of us. When you all live in the same parking lot, practically on top of one another day and night, you develop close relationships and it just won't be the same without seeing them a hundred times a day! We pray God's blessings on them as they take over the job of pastoring this church! God has called them to this place and to this position and I know He will bless them with the strength and wisdom they need to bring the people to Jesus!

Watching these college kids all week has been amazing. They are such a great group, all get along well and all seem to really know the meaning of service. That is always a wonderful thing to see in people, let alone college age. I sit back and wonder what the world would be like if everyone had the heart of service like these kids do? What if everyone thought of others first and themselves second (or third)? What if everyone used the gifts that God had given them to the fullest extent and for the blessing of others? There sure would be alot less hurt and fear in the world, not to mention alot more people following Jesus! Maybe this is what heaven is like! All I know is that having people like these kids here really shows what this relief effort is all about and I thank God for them!

If you, too, would like to be a more active participant in this relief effort here in southern Mississippi, it's easy to do. You can send your tax deductible gift to us through Vineyard Community Church at PO Box 3277 in Bloomington, Indiana 47402. Be sure and note "Katrina" on your gift as all of it comes to us for this mission. We thank you for your heart of service and want you to know that without your support we would not be able to fulfill the calling God has placed on our hearts. God bless each and every one of you!

Until tomorrow....think about one small way you can serve someone else besides yourself...and DO IT! Bless you! Susan and Monty

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