Friday, October 12, 2012

Lot 50

Monty doesn't get mentioned all that much in my blog and for those of you who wonder what he's always doing . . . take a look at these pics! 

The kitchen.

Bedroom carpeting.
There are no words!

Looking into the master bath with white mold growing on the ceiling to the right of the ceiling fan!

Seen enough?  This is yet another trailer he is rebuilding.  THIS is what he is doing all day every day.  Sometimes he's underneath working on sewer lines (no pics, you don't want to see those) and other times he's up on the roof making repairs (where I found him today). 

On this trailer he decided to take some "before" pics and will be taking some during the process and then at the end so you can see the "after".

No, none of this is Webster's definition of a disaster but these homes have been abandoned and are in a state of disaster. 

Once again God has educated him through all the experience we received over the past years following disasters and rebuilding homes.  I never cease to be amazed how incredible God's plan is and how He orchestrates our lives!  What an awesome God! 

We are on the verge of another weekend.  Take some time and stop and smell the flowers and thank God for all your blessings!  Solomon seems to be standing in amazement at the beauty!  Do we?

Until next time . . .                  Susan and Monty

1 comment:

Treasures from a shoebox said...

Okay, in all honesty, I'd have to chuck the potty and get a new one. Thanks for NOT posting pix of Monty working on sewer lines ;)
Can't wait to see the after pix. Amazing talent the Lord has gifted him with!