Saturday, January 21, 2012

No Plan B for This!!

It all started last night --- the freezing rains!  It was coming down so hard we could hear it hitting the roof of the house.

By the time I took the dogs out to head to bed the front door was frozen to the point of not being able to get it open.

This morning ----- a very icy winter wonderland where no one is moving!

The front door was more than frozen, I actually had to take hot water and pour over the handle to make it work.

The front deck (faces north) is a solid sheet of ice and all I can do is literally sit down and scoot across to get to the edge where I can then step into the ice crusted grass.  No way one can go down the steps.  One of the dogs tried it and it's a wonder he didn't break all 4 of his legs in his nasty fall!

The truck doors are beyond trying to get open!  The sand truck came through our subdivision and he almost couldn't make the curve and up the hill in front of us! 

No one else is moving!

So . . . needless to say I will not make it to Michael's house today to work on the trim! 

And I may need my daughter to come and pick me up this evening to babysit the grandkids!

But . . . not to worry . . . this is Indiana and by tomorrow evening we are supposed to be under a severe thunderstorm warning!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time . . . be careful out there!                             Susan and Monty

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