Monday, September 26, 2011

Introducing . . . Solomon

Those of you who know us know we already have 2 dogs . . . and now . . . we have 3.  This was not planned nor had we given any thought to adding a new family member.  But . . . it was love at first sight and so . . . we welcomed Solomon into our household on Saturday.

I should blame it all on my son and daughter in law but . . .

Saturday was the day I got to spend with both of them.  Each year there is a small city near them that has the best festival ever.  They literally close down all the city streets and line them with craft and food booths.  It's such a great place and I was really looking forward to going.  My son and I were able to have a nice breakfast together and then met up with his wife, who was already at the festival.  She and her mother always go early to "get the good stuff."  The weather was a bit on the iffy side and the skies did open up a time or two -- much to the delight of the one woman who was selling umbrellas!

Last year there was a place selling puppies, all kinds.  This year there was a place selling only chihuahua's.  I had to go -- how could I not?  And when I rounded the corner and saw the little fellow in the pics here my heart melted!  I have seen literally thousands of chihuahuas, in Texas I think they came directly in the mail from Mexico as everyone had more than one!  But I had never seen anything like this little guy.  The owner, who was also the breeder, told me he was called a Chocolate Merle. 
And for those of you who know me - you know how I love chocolate!  But this kind?

Anyway, long story short -- she made him a blessing I could not pass by, especially since Monty made 4 phone calls "encouraging" me to bring him home!

He's 4 months old and weighs in at less than 2 pounds.  His full growth weight should top out at 4 pounds, maybe 5?  Yes, he fits in my pockets!

As for Bitty and Samson -- less than thrilled!  Just like human children!!!

So many thanks to the lady for listening to our story and having her heart moved and blessing us with a truly adorable addition to our family!

Until next time . . . good thing those festivals are only once a year!  Anyway, God tells us He blesses us with the "little" things -- thank you Lord!                  Susan and Monty

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