For those of you who do your best to keep up with us you realize that in the year 2008 we made 3 major moves; from Indiana to Mississippi in January, back to Indiana in June with their floods and in October we moved to Texas following hurricane Ike in September.
You also realize that with each of those moves came some "difficulties" with tires and such--all quite stressful.
This week we are actually taking some time off -- time away -- time to rest and recuperate before the spring season is upon us. Looking at our schedule we already know that the spring season is blessing us with many volunteers, some weeks as many as 70 plus! In order to serve all of them to our best ability we knew we needed to rest up and be ready.
Thanks to Mercy Response who also realize the need for time away and rest.
We traveled about 4 and 1/2 hours to the southwest and are in the Corpus Christi area. We arrived last night to find the temps already quite warm, nearing the 80 degree mark. I doubt we do alot of "sight seeing" and such -- that requires driving and since my truck has some engine problems we brought Monty's diesel -- great for the long hauls but sort of a beast for sight seeing! It's the rest and relaxation we are needing!
We thank all of you for keeping us in your prayers! Those prayers strengthen and uphold us daily!
As for Diane back at camp, she and Phil (the director) are making what is hopefully the last trip to New Orleans to bring back a couple of trailers and items from that camp to ours. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travels.
As you can see, we do have internet access here and will be updating you every couple of days.
Until next time . . . be blessed and thanks again to our awesome team from Las Vegas who left us Saturday morning --- but not before cleaning and organizing the tools, the warehouse, the vehicles AND Diane's camper trailer! You guys are awesome and we look forward to your return!
Be blessed! Susan and Monty
"We are doers of the Word of God and are blessed in our deeds. We are happy in those things which we do because we are doers of the Word of God." James 1:22
About Me

- Susan and Monty Scales
- We've spent years helping families rebuild their lives and homes after natural disasters. Those adventures have taken us to Mississippi, Louisiana, Indiana and Texas. God is now teaching me there are numerous definitions of "disaster." This new adventure of driving a school bus is taking me into a whole new world of "rebuilding." Stay tuned and see the hand of God in action! Jesus really does "love the little children; red, yellow, black and white . . ."
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