Friday, October 31, 2008

Missouri's final day

Here is a sneak peak of the weeks work for Missouri! They were fantastic and worked miracles. You can see everything from what the inside of homes looked like before they gutted, the water lines on front doors, the ships that are still piled along side of the interstate -- the side of the interstate that had to be closed because of all those destroyed, washed ashore ships! This team saw what needed to be done and got it done, no matter what it took!
Tonight is their last night, their last meal with us. We will miss them and pray they will put together another team and come and join us again. They say they will, for sure! I know they will miss the meals, the hot breakfasts and hot dinner meals where we all sit around and share what is happening here and in our lives away from disaster work. It's the time where strangers become friends who leave as new family!
Today Diane flew into New Orleans where she will help get the last 2 homes completed and arrange for that camp to be relocated here. By the end of the weekend she will be joined by Gregg and Pam from South Dakota. They have worked with us many times in the past and will stay for nearly a month. When they and Diane finish in New Orleans they will all be back here in Texas.
Tomorrow we will have 2 local teams coming in to work for the day. They have been here before and will be ready to roll. God will be rolling ahead of them and will no doubt be ready for more miracles and blessings to be poured out! Be sure and stay tuned.
Until next time . . . Susan and Monty

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