Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It finally happened!

Yes, this is (was) Stepfund's food pantry. It no longer exists thanks to the volunteers who at this very moment are just hours away from having his home completely gutted and ready for the rebuilding to begin!

Our next step will be for the electric and plumbing to be taken care of and then we can bring in the volunteers and miracles will happen! Make sure you stay tuned to see the progress and hear the stories of lives changed and a man who will finally be able to cook, sleep and live in his home!

Today was one of those days where I am convinced that something big and great must be about to happen! Whenever I have a time where satan is beating me up one side and down the other and then back up the same side -- I am certain I am on the right track and God is about to break the gates open to something big! It must really be big as today I know I have grill marks on my body along with bruises, scratches and anything else that comes with being beaten up!!

And then the crowning blow to bring me back to earth -- I finally did meet myself coming and going! Yes, as we were traveling across the miles to and from homes, estimates and a home dedication our GPS showed us meeting ourselves! The directional arrows ran into each other! It definitely brought laughter and amazement to the inside of the truck!!

Tomorrow is filled with more estimates, more visiting with homeowners trying to assess their needs and then see what can be done to fill them and in the meantime working on the details of our Speed Build 2 with Joe in WV. I need to keep an eye on the GPS as the arrows just might crash together once again!

Isn't God great!! Running around from place to place, people to people and miracle to miracle! Thanks to all of you who make it possible for Monty and I to live the dream of working for our Lord! We are truly blessed!!

Until next time . . . Susan and Monty

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