Saturday, August 04, 2007

Picnic for the neighborhood

Before I get into anything about today I have a note for some of you who might have been trying to email us something. Our email account is down, the site is undergoing some changes and in doing so we are a bit frustrated because we cannot access it. So . . . please bear with us until we can get it back.
Today was an incredible day. What a blessing for the neighborhood, and anyone else who happened to drive by. The team from Washington had planned a picnic barbeque from 1:00 - 5:00pm today here at our east location. You can see some of the faces, the ones who stood at the grills in near 100 degree temps and never complained and those who were the fortunate ones to be under the small tent! I don't have a head count but am guessing we served atleast 100 people and probably more. Some who stopped were people who were working on neighbors homes, others stopped just to see if the sign saying it was free was true -- it was! They cooked hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken with all the fixins. They had games for the kids and thanks to the sidewalk chalk our sidewalks are some of the most beautiful ever! It was just such a blessing for those few neighbors who are here or who are trying to come back to be able to get a free meal and get to know others. Some came and stayed the entire afternoon and others just came by in their cars and trucks.
This team knew exactly what they were going to do and had the planning to an art. They will be doing the same thing on Tuesday evening at our church in the 9th ward and I expect it to be packed with people!
We did say goodbye to our California team this morning -- actually last night as they were up and out of here around 3:00am for their flight! They spent last evening in the French Quarter seeing the sights and getting the sights and sounds of what makes New Orleans tick! Yes, there is Bourbon Street and it's not someplace most Christians want to visit but that street is only one in the quarter. Walking through all the others hearing the music and seeing people from all over the world is a great experience, not to mention sampling the cajun and creole foods they are famous for!
All in all it was one of those days where we count it such a blessing to be here, to see the people, to hear their stories and to see the smiles come on their faces when hospitality is shown to them, no matter what they look like, no matter how they are dressed, no matter what language they speak! They are all God's children and when they realize it -- it's priceless!
Thank God for being counted as one of His children when you enter His house tomorrow.
Monty and I will be driving to the airport immediately after church tomorrow to pick up Jessica from New Jersey who is coming to spend 2 weeks with us! Awesome!!
And we will be continuing to keep Joel's daughter, Jessica in our prayers. She went back home to Indiana for the weekend but will be returning early next week.
Also in our prayers is Suzanne who also went home to Indiana (go home state!!) and will also be returning in about a month!
Blessings to all of you until tomorrow . . . Susan and Monty

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