Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Here they are, our newest Wisconsin 3. They were the only ones not freezing today! We had a drop in temps -- high of 78 yesterday to high of 48 today! Like I said, these 3 snow birds were the only ones not complaining and working in Rosemary's without!!!! the heat AND with a window open!!
They are really coming along with her house. It looks so good. Nearly all the rooms are completely sheetrocked and by the end of the week they will be. They have done an amazing job and we are so thankful, not to mention Rosemary, her mother and brother Maury being more than thankful. They all appeared to be a bit on the tired side this evening but as with all the volunteers (us included), God will reach in and refuel each of them during the night and they will awake ready to go again! I think it's one of those promises God makes to us in the Bible, He will not send us into any situation without equipping us for the job! Amazing how He still keeps those promises!
We have not heard from Tony and Shirley so we are assured that they are on their way to Pennsylvania. We missed them already today but know they are heading to see family.
Diane also headed for home today. She needed to go home for "missions week". It's a week where her church honors all the missionaries they support during the year. It sounded wonderful, a time of rest and relaxation and relationship with other missionaries in the field. We also pray for safe travel for her. She should return in around 10 days.
One of our Wisconsin 3 learned that his son has come down with mono. They thought it was the flu but the blood tests came through and he will now need lots of rest and fluids. Your prayers for healing would be much appreciated!
We hope all of you are safe, warm and healthy. We also thank you for your continuing to follow along with us on our mission here in the Gulf Coast.
Until tomorrow .... Susan and Monty

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