Today we took some time away and were treated to Pascagoula River, Mississippi style! Our friend, Ken, took us to his sister and brother in laws who live on a 97' houseboat, yes, I said 97 feet! In the photos you will see a couple of views of it. The red seats are church pews that came from one of the local churches. This place is unbelievable and it would take a person an entire day to see it all. We started the day with a fantastic breakfast of eggs, sausage and "cathead" biscuits. Catheads are the biggest biscuits I have ever seen and know of no one who could the entire thing in one sitting! We got the opportunity to visit with Billy Joe and Brenda for awhile before Billy Joe took us out on his boat. You can see some of the views we saw. It was so beautiful. The flower is one of the lillies on the banks and in the water. You can see the large cypress trees that also grow in the water. There are houseboats all up and down the river but there are also quite a few of them that were damaged or sunken in the storm. We saw a small aligator and some really unique birds. Billy Joe has a pet sea gull that swoops down when he calls it and hand feeds it. Monty learned the call and it was fun to toss fish out to it. Billy Joe is quite a man. He cooks for anyone and everyone and uses his cooking skills to raise money for all sorts of mission trips. After our boat ride, and a rather amazing downpouring of rain, we had the chance to see just why he is so successful at raising money with his cooking. He fried up a mess of the catfish he caught along with hush puppies, fried yellow squash and baked beans. Amazing! My stomach still hurts! It was a wonderful day to get away and see some of the scenery around here. There are rivers and bayuos everywhere and seeing them by boat really shows the glory of God in nature! Thanks Ken, Billy Joe and Brenda. We plan to return!
The last photo you see is our Kansas team that left last night and should be home this evening. We pray they get some rest and will want to return sometime in the future. Thanks again guys!
Tomorrow is our opportunity to attend church and praise and worship God. It will be a praise report for us to give Bethel the donation left by the Kansas team. They wanted to leave a blessing for the church and just extend their service to others. What a blessing it is! How can we properly thank you guys for your giving hearts?!
If you would like to also invest in this relief effort you can send your tax deductible gift to us through Vineyard Community Church at PO Box 3277 in Bloomington, Indiana 47402. Please be sure and earmark "Katrina" on your gift as the entire 100% goes to the relief effort and enables Monty and I to continue to follow the call on our lives and do whatever we can to rebuild this community and peoples lives. Without your gifts this would not be possible. We thank you for your compassionate hearts!
Until tomorrow...be sure and attend your home church tomorrow and pray for the people who are rebuilding homes and lives after hurricane Katrina. Susan and Monty
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